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iBrowser & Gaze Visualization

Setting up eye tracking studies of interactive systems can be labor intensive. To make it more effortless, I designed and built iBrowser, a browser that synchronizes user generated events with eye tracker events and automatically extracts regions of interest when the user interfaces changes. Any web application can be used in iBrowser. It is implemented in C# and works with with Tobii eye trackers and the Eye Tribe eye tracker. In addition, I created a Java tool for parsing and visualizing logs created by iBrowser.


This set of tools have been used in different kinds of studies, such as investigating reading, evaluating the query preview in Querium (Qvarfordt et al. 2013), collecting data for user activity recognition (Qvarfordt, 2016 patent) and for creating simple gaze interactive prototypes.


Role: Project lead, interaction designer and programmer


© 2017 by Pernilla Qvarfordt

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