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User Centered Design

Interaction Design

Programming (Javascript, Java, C#, Python)

User Studies

Statistical Analysis

Machine Learning





(Most recent, for complete list download CV)


Qvarfordt, Pernilla. In Press. Gaze Informed Multimodal Interfaces. Handbook on Multimodal / Multisensor Interfaces, eds. Sharon Oviatt, Bjorn Schuller, and Phil Cohen. acm Books / Morgan Claypool


Jiyin He, Pernilla Qvarfort, Martin Halvey, Gene Golovchinsky. Beyond actions: Exploring the discovery of tactics from user logs. In Information Processing & Management, vol. 52, issue 6, Nov. 2016, pp. 1200–1226.





2004 - Ph. D.  Computer Science (Human-Computer Interaction), Linköping University, Sweden


2003 - “Fil. Lic”. (Licentiate of Philosophy), Computer Science, Linköping University, Sweden


1998 - MA Cognitive Science, Linköping University, Sweden


1993 Diploma in Amateur Theater Instruction, Brunnsvik Folkhögskola, Ludvika, Sweden





Currently - Senior Research Scientist, FX Palo Alto Laboratory


2005 - 2008  Research Scientist, FX Palo Alto Laboratory


2002 - 2004  Visiting Researcher, IBM Almaden Research Center


1999-2000 Lecturer in Interaction Design, Linköping University

Pernilla Qvarfordt

Lives & works in San Francisco Bay Area, CA

Twitter: @pernillaq


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